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W3Cx: HTML5 Apps and Games

Online Course

  • Price: GBP (£)160 (Inc VAT if applicable)

Course Details

  • School edX
  • Location Online Course
  • All Dates Please contact us about this distance learning course
  • Duration 32 hour(s)
  • Accommodation Included No
  • Reference W3Cx

Want to learn advanced HTML5 tips and techniques? This is the course for you! Find out more about the powerful Web features that will help you create great content and apps.

This course is a natural follow up of HTML5 Coding Essentials and Good Practices. In this course, we continue the exploration of HTML5-based APIs, but also introduce some advanced features related to HTML5, such as Web components, advanced multimedia, audio for music and games, etc.

Like in the first course, you will learn by doing, study the interactive examples and have fun with proposed development projects. One of them will be to create an HTML5 game, so jump in and learn lots!


Week 1: Advanced HTML5 Multimedia

The Timed Text Track API

Advanced features for audio and video players

Creating tracks on the fly, syncing HTML content with a video

The Web Audio API

Week 2: Game Programming with HTML5

Basic concepts of HTML5 game development

A simple game framework

Time-based animation

Animating multiple objects, collision detection

Sprite-based animation

Game states

Week 3: HTML5 File Upload and Download

File API and Ajax / XHR2 requests

Drag and drop: basics

Drag and drop: working with files

Forms and files


Conclusion on client-side persistence

Week 4: HTML5 Multimedia

Web Components

Web Workers

The Orientation and Device Motion APIs


Institution: W3Cx

Subject: Computer Science

Level: Advanced


We recommend that students follow the 4 other W3Cx courses that are part of the FEWD program:

HTML5 & CSS Fundamentals

CSS Basics

HTML5 Coding Essentials and Good Practices

JavaScript Introduction

Language: English

Video Transcript: English

Associated programs:

Professional Certificate in Front-End Web Developer

Associated skills: Application Programming Interface (API), HTML5, Innovation

Useful Information

What you'll learn

Advanced multimedia features with the Track and WebAudio APIs

HTML5 games techniques

More APIs, including Web Workers and Service Workers

Persistence techniques for data storage including IndexedDB, File System API and drag and drop


edX Ltd, Cambridge, 141 Portland St, United States

See location on Google Maps

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